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Beth's Kiss

  Excerpt from Beth’s Kiss (coming Dec 2006 in Secrets/Red Sage Publishing)

  Copyright Angela Knight 2005

  Beth’s fear had retreated by the time she downed a glass of ice water and he escorted her upstairs.

  They stepped into the sprawling master bedroom to find Morgan’s pants slung across an armchair. His sword lay across the chair’s arms, while his boots had been flung in different corners..

  “He’s normally not this big a slob,” Garret told her.

  But Beth’s attention was riveted on the open french doors. Morgan stood on the balcony, his head back, his eyes closed, his sculpted body silvered in moonlight. His cock thrust from a nest of fine hair at his groin, angled slightly upward by the urgency of his lust.

  She’d never seen anything so male or so beautiful. She ached to paint him just like that, though God knew she’d never be able to display that particular work in any gallery.

  He’s a vampire, her common sense whispered. He hasn’t had a woman in sixteen months. He’s dangerous.

  Yet Beth found herself moving toward him anyway, helplessly drawn even though she knew she was playing with fire. She had to touch him.

  He didn’t look around as she stepped onto the wrought iron balcony, but he tensed like a wild animal.

  Her heart was pounding.

  He held very still as she approached to stand looking up at him. God, he was tall. And broad. And ripped, muscle forming hard, tight contours in chest and abdomen, brawny arms and long legs.

  His cock jerked once. Reacting to her.

  She looked down at it, admiring the long, veined shaft, the flushed, plum-shaped head. His balls hung fat, covered in a ruff of dark hair. More hair grew in an elegant masculine cloud across his powerful chest. He was definitely not the kind of man to shave it.

  She looked up and met his gaze. His eyes were wide, black, glittering with hunger. Beth could almost feel his desperate grip on control. Touching him right now would be a very bad idea.

  She had to do it anyway. She licked dry lips. His attention jumped to her tongue like a cat watching a fluttering canary. Slowly, she reached out a hand, laid it on his chest. He jerked under her hand like a restive stallion. Beth had known vampires weren’t really cold – she had touched her sister after all -- but he felt almost fevered.

  Greatly daring, she brushed her fingertips across the ridged muscle of his chest toward one flat male nipple. He watched her, his eyes burning.

  It was like playing with a tiger. He was beautiful enough to steal her breath, yet there was that sense of alien hunger struggling against his control.

  “You’re beautiful.” His voice sounded hoarse. There was such pain in it.

  She looked away from those dark, agonized eyes to the tiny male nipple so close to her thumb. Slowly, she brushed a thumb across it. Once. Twice. Back and forth. Recklessly.

  “Garret,” Morgan gritted.

  “I’m here.”

  Startled, she looked around to see Garret moving toward them. He, too, was naked, as beautiful in his lean, elegant strength as his brawnier cousin. His skin was a shade lighter than Morgan’s, but his body was even more sculpted, each muscle in hard relief, pectorals and biceps and abdominals forming luscious male shapes under his velvet flesh. His body hair lay in a sleek pattern over his pecs before narrowing into an intriguing trail down his rippled belly to the thrust of his cock.

  His sex was quite simply luscious – not quite as thick as Morgan’s, but a bit longer, with a tempting upward curve over tight balls. Following the direction of her gaze, he looked down at his erection, then glanced up again, grinning. His eyes crinkling with wicked charm. “Like the scenery?”

  Beth looked from him to Morgan, whose cock jutted with impatient hunger. She licked her lips. “Like a kid in a candy store.”

  Garret laughed, an infectious boom that managed to make even his cousin smile. “Believe me, sweet, we feel the same about you.” Reaching for her, he threaded a big hand through her hair and tilted her head back. She caught her breath, looking up into those brilliant green eyes as he leaned down. Leaning into his warmth, she surrendered to his hot, slow kiss.

  Morgan groaned. She felt his breath on her arched throat, just below her ear. His cousin tilted her head to the side, giving him better access even as he went on kissing her hungrily.

  Morgan’s lips pressed to one of the taut cords of her throat. Licked a delicate burning trail. Paused to nip, the tips of his fangs just barely raking.

  Garret tasted her lips slowly in teasing, sipping kisses that coaxed her into opening her mouth. His tongue slipped in once, a gentle flicker, then deeper and more slowly. She closed her eyes and moaned.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. Both of them.... The thought flashed through her mind and was gone.

  Morgan’s long male fingers found the thin strap of her gown and brushed it off her shoulder. He cupped her breast tenderly, a thumb brushing across her nipple, stirring it to sweet, aching erection.

  Garret turned her in his arms as his cousin stepped behind her, smooth as a dancer moving through choreography he knew and loved.

  She’d always thought being with two men would be a little clumsy – hands and shoulders bumping, a little wrestle over who did what, who kissed where.

  But Garret and Morgan made love like one smooth, seductive man. There was no fumbling. As Garret caressed her breasts, Morgan’s hands slid over her backside and between her thighs, pressing through the silk to tease her clit. As Garret kissed his way down her throat, Morgan turned her head so he could have her mouth. His tongue slipped between her lips as his cousin nibbled on the arched curve of her neck.

  Beth groaned as they drew her closer, making her acutely aware of the firm bodies against her, of the tickling rasp of chest hair, of the warm, demanding thrusts of their cocks. She felt herself growing steadily wetter with every touch and kiss.

  Garret was pinching both nipples, twisting delicately to send sweet curls of heat spiraling through her breasts. Beth pulled away from Morgan’s mouth, whimpering as his skilled fingers dipped again between her thighs, caressing her through the silk.

  “Are you ready?” Garret murmured in her ear.

  She let her head fall back. Morgan cupped her throat in one big, warm hand, and she groaned. “Yes. God, yes.”

  “So are we,” Morgan purred as Garret bent and slid an arm behind her thighs. Smoothly, he swept her into his arms and carried her inside, his cousin at his heels.

  Panting, feeling almost dazed, she hooked an arm around his neck and gazed up into Garret’s face. He smiled down at her, the curve of his lips revealing his fangs. Over his shoulder, Morgan watched her as he followed them, his eyes blazing, his cock swaying with every long stride.

  She couldn’t wait to find out what they’d do to her next.

  Garret had turned out the lights in the bedroom so the only illumination came from moonlight spilling through the French doors. She got a spinning impression of gleaming wood and glittering crystal before they bore her back on a massive king-sized brass bed. She sighed in surrender as they followed her down, surrounding her in warm, hard-muscled strength.

  Big hands brushed the straps of her gown down off her shoulders. Hot mouths engulfed her breasts, tongues flicking across her nipples making her toss her head on the pillow one of them had tucked beneath her.

  Dazed, Beth looked down at the two handsome men sucking her. Garret’s beard tickled her skin as he swirled his tongue over the peak he’d captured. Morgan used his teeth with gentle skill, raking slowly over the nubbin, alternating tender bites with deep, drawing suction.

  Somebody’s big hand slid down her belly, paused to caress her navel. Dropped lover and slipped between her thighs. Beth caught her breath at the sweet p
enetration of a strong finger into her needy core.

  “She’s wet,” Morgan growled, lifting his head from her breast. His voice had deepened with need until it vibrated. The finger probed deeper. “And God, so tiiight.”

  “And sweet,” Garret said, cupping her breast, stroking his fingertips over her sensitive skin. “Don’t forget sweet.”

  “You like this, darlin’?” Morgan asked, and added another finger in a long, deep glide.

  “Yeah,” she gasped, her hands coming up to cup their heads. Garret’s was just slightly finer, silkier, while Morgan’s felt thick as it curled around her fingers like strands of coarse satin. “God, yes.” She didn’t think she’d ever been so turned on in her life.

  “Give me your lips again,” Morgan demanded, cupping the back of her head and lifting it so he could swoop down for her mouth. He kissed her as if he hadn’t kissed her a few moments before, as if he craved her taste until he could stand no more. His tongue swept between her teeth in demanding strokes, swirling and tempting.

  Enthralled, she didn’t realize Garret had left her breast until he settled between her thighs. When he parted her, she sucked in a breath in surprise. The breath became a gasp as his mouth covered her, his tongue stroking through the creamy seam between her nether lips. She moaned against Morgan’s mouth at the burning pleasure.

  He lifted his head to look down into her dazed eyes. His seemed to glow. He threaded his hand in her hair and turned her head so he could reach her throat for gentle, arousing bites along its straining length.

  Beth arched her back, groaning, Garret’s tongue dancing over her clit. One of his fingers stroked deep in her hungry core, the sensation teasing her nerve endings to vibrating attention. His beard brushed over her labia as he nibbled and licked.

  “We’re going to take you,” Morgan breathed in her ear. He flicked his tongue across the tender lobe, sending a shiver skating down her back. “We’re going to work our cocks right into this slick, snug little pussy of yours.” He nibbled gently, then bent her head a little further back to deepen the arch of her throat. “And we’re going to bite. I can hear your pulse beating. Right here.” He pressed his lips to the leaping vein. “Waiting.” His tongue traced the line of it. “For me.”

  Garret drew her clit into his mouth and suckled fiercely, the pleasure jerking her spine into a bow.

  “God!” she gasped.

  “Oh, yeah,” Morgan breathed. “Like that. Give it up to us. Don’t hold anything back.” His fingers found her nipple, plucked and strummed, sending another glittering thread of pleasure to join those Garret’s bearded mouth was spinning between her thighs.

  Beth twisted under their hands, her orgasm building with every luscious nibble and stroke.

  She grabbed for Morgan’s brawny shoulder, needing to touch him, needing to anchor herself against waves of pleasure that were so intense they were almost frightening, each taller, harder...

  Until her climax smashed over her, tearing a scream from her throat.

  Her thighs were still quivering when Garret lifted his head and started crawling up her body, his green eyes locked fierce and hungry on hers. “Our turn now.”

  Morgan drew back just enough to give him room as he covered her body with his. She moaned in pleasure as he settled over her, warm and strong. His cock brushed against her belly, a hot, demanding length. Then he caught her thighs in both big hands and spread her wide.

  “Here we go,” Morgan breathed in her ear, rolling on his side as Garret braced himself on one hand and used the other to aim his cock at her slick opening.

  He entered her in one long, hard stroke. Beth gasped at the sensation of being filled so abruptly, so utterly. His green gaze met hers in feral demand as he began to thrust. His cock felt delicious, long and strong as he worked it in and out in deep lunges.

  “Like that?” he rumbled.

  “Oooh.” She whimpered as he drove in deep. “Oh, yeah. More!”

  He grinned, white teeth flashing in his dark beard. “Your wish is...” Thrust... “...My command.” Bracing his muscular arms on either side of her head, he worked his hips, grinding against her, pressing deliciously into her clit.

  Half blind with pleasure, Beth wrapped her legs around his narrow waist and held on for dear life.

  “Remember me?” Morgan murmured in her ear, giving her nipple a delicious twist between two fingers.

  She closed her eyes and panted. “Believe me, you’re not the kind of guy a girl forgets.”

  “I’m delighted to hear it.” His lips brushed her leaping pulse. “And just to make sure, here’s something to remember me by.”

  His fangs slid into her skin just as Garret plunged all the way to the balls. The hot sting blended with the spear of pleasure, tearing a scream from her lips.

  Beth writhed, but his arms encircled her, holding her still as his cousin rode her in those luscious thrusts.

  Garret grinned at her, white fangs flashing in his bearded mouth. “Nice, huh?”

  “Jeeesus,” she gasped. “You’ve got a gift for understatement.”

  “Among other things.” Grinning wickedly, he rammed in a particularly deep thrust, circling his hips so his long cock twisted into her like a delicious screw, raking her flesh, pressing her clit.

  Morgan’s mouth worked against her throat as he fed, added a sparks of pleasure-pain to the whirlwind of the second orgasm building in her belly.

  As if sensing how close she was, Garret started bucking his hips against her, grinding against her clit until her climax boiled up in flaming pulses. With a hoarse scream, she gave herself up to it as Garret fucked her and Morgan fed.

  By the time Garret roared out his climax, they’d reduced her to boneless satiety.

  He collapsed beside her in the center of the bed, panting. “Damn, girl, you’re going to be the death of me before the week’s up.”

  “Ditto,” she managed. “But what a way to go.”

  Morgan lifted his head from the bite he’d been bathing tenderly with his tongue. She remembered vaguely that was supposed to speed healing.

  Black eyes glittered at her, wicked and lusty. “You don’t imagine we’re done, do you?”

  “Oh, Morgan, I don’t...” she began, but he’d already rolled onto his feet and hauled her into his arms.

  Before she knew what had hit her, he had both her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Dazed, Beth felt him reach down to aim his thick erection at her sex.

  Then he rolled his hips up, and impaled her in one long, breathtaking plunge.

  “Oh, God!” If anything, he felt thicker that Garret had, a massive shaft tunneling into her swollen sex. She writhed, caught on the knife-edge of pleasure pain.

  Before she could decide whether to protest or not, Garret rolled off the bed and joined them. “Mmmm. Need a little help with that, Morgan?”

  His cousin grinned, rolling his hips in another breathtaking thrust. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

  Garret stepped closer to claim her nipples with teasing fingers. “Oh, it’s no trouble at all.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Beth managed, shivering at the pleasure. With a moan, she let her head fall back on his broad shoulder.

  “Poor little Kith,” he whispered, stroking and twisting the pink tips. “Trying to feed two randy vampires. Are we too much for you?”

  She could manage nothing more than a moan with his skilled fingers teasing her breasts while Morgan’s big cock worked deep in her sex. Her sated libido woke and rumbled in approval.

  Garret knew just what to do to make her arousal burn hotter, kissing and licking her ears as he stroked her breasts. Beth arched back in his arms, surrendering as the roller coaster of pleasure they had her on started shooting skyward again.

  “That’s it,” Morgan growled, his dark gaze demanding on hers as he rolled his hips, grinding hard up into her. “Go with us. Let it come. Feel it build.”

  He was using those powerful arms to work her up and down o
n his shaft, fucking her so hard each entry sent spikes of pleasure up her spine.

  That’s when Garret dropped his hand down under her backside, traced the slick flesh he found, and drove a long forefinger up her ass.

  The shocking double penetration snapped her head back. She howled, feeling Morgan hammering into her cunt as Garret plunged that wicked finger in and out of her backside. The double penetration made Morgan’s thick shaft feel even bigger.

  Her third climax of the night surged out of nowhere, a dizzying firestorm that was, if anything, brighter than what she’d experienced a few moments before.

  Beth twisted, impaled on Morgan’s cock, scarcely noticing when his cousin suddenly released her.

  Until, staring blindly into Morgan’s handsome face, she saw Garret move in behind him. Jerking his cousin’s head back by the hair, he plunged his fangs in Morgan’s muscular throat. Morgan shouted, stiffening. His thick cock buck inside her and begin to pulse as he started coming.

  Garret lifted his head, revealing the bite in his cousin’s throat. “Drink from him,” he growled, his green eyes locking on her face.

  Beth hesitated a moment, shocked.

  Morgan reached up and tangled his long fingers in her hair. Clenched tight, pressing her face against the punctures.

  His blood touched her lips, burning and intoxicating, like some alien whiskey. Gingerly, she licked at it, aware that Morgan had stopped thrusting as he held her, his big body shaking.

  “More,” he groaned.

  Goaded, she closed her mouth over the wound and began to drink.

  Morgan jolted against her and started fucking her again – grinding his cock hard and deep inside her.

  Drinking, blazing, she came, barely aware when he stiffened against her with a shout.



  Angela Knight, Beth's Kiss

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